21. 3. 2016.

Handpainted Poppy flower nail art on the acrylic nails / Ručno oslikani cvet maka na akrilnim noktima

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Ovo je nail art dizajn koji sam uradila za moju dragu Miličicu, koja nosi akrilne nokte. Zahvaljujući akrilnim noktima, Mici je prestala sa grickanjem, tako da sada ima divnu nokatnu ploču i ja sam veoma ponosna na njen i moj uspeh.
Došavši na redovnu mesečnu korekciju i nakon dugo prebiranja po fotografijama izabrale smo ovaj dizajn. Ovo nije moja originalna ideja, ali sam unela neke premone u odnosu na original. Sve je crtano slobodnom rukom,jer nemam i ne koristim ni nalepnice ni slajdere. Crtam akrilnim bojama MARABU.
Generalno najbolje akrilne boje što se nail arta tiče, koje sam probala ikad su RA acrylic paints klik koje koštaju oko 13 zl. što je oko 3 eura , a zapremina im je 20ml što je super cena. Boje sam imala priliku da probam na jednom od kurseva koji sam pohađala, mislim da je to bio jedan od kurseva sa Janom Dužanec "Zhostovo".

Možete ih nabaviti i u Hrvatskoj ili preko "JANANAILS" sajta klik  cena je nešto jača u odnosu na cenu u "RАNAILS" web prodavnici i za bočicu od 20 ml treba izdvojiti 35 kuna ili 4,65 eura.
U svakom slučaju boje su im odlične za crtanje po noktima i nadam se da ću ih nabaviti nekako nekad.Do tad koristim moje drage "Marabu" . Drugim bojama koje sam nalazila ovde nisam zadovoljna.
Marabu boje možete naći u prodavanici "Kreativni hobi" klik 


NSP gel lak "Magnificent" crni
NSP gel lak "Snow white" beli
Lak za nokte NSP Maroon L283 - crveni 
MARABU Acrylic Paint Decormatt Black No.073  crna
MARABU Acrylic Paint Decormatt Yellow Green No.066 svetlo zelena

MARABU Acrylic Paint Decormatt Yellow No.019 žuta
NSP Super Gloss Top Coat

Nokte sam uradila akrilom. Koristila sam NSP akrilni prah pink i likvid monomer "Standard".
Nanela sam dva sloja belog gel laka i svaki sam polimerizovala 2 minuta u UV lampi.
Crnim gel lakom sam uradila tehniku "dry brush" manikira. Nisam u potpunosti zadovoljna kako izgleda ovaj crni gel lak primenjen kod ove tehnike jer je boja slabog intenziteta, deluje više kao siva boja (mada finalni rezultat mi se dopao).
Cvet maka sam uradila pomoću srvenog laka za nokte razblaženog sa par kapi acetona.

U centar cveta sam dodala žutom bojom tučak. Oivičila sam ga crnom akrilnom bojom koristeći kratke i brze poteze najtanjom četkicom.
Ceo cvet sam oivičala takođe crnom bojom ne poštujući strogo konture cveta.
Dodala sam zelenom bojom stabljike.
Završila sam nanoseći Supergloss.

This is a nail design I've done for my dear client Milica, she has been wearing acrylic nails for couple of years and she stopped biting them, which is great success. Now she has pretty nail plates and I am proud of her nails. This is her choice for this month, so I made for her this cute poppy flower on a dry brush mani base.
I've done her nails with NSP pink acrylic powder and NSP Standard Liquid Monomer.
Then I've decorated her nails.

Nail polish NSP L283 - crveni 
NSP gel polish"Magnificent" - black
NSP gel polish "Snow white" - white
MARABU Acrylic Paint Decormatt Black No.073 - red
MARABU Acrylic Paint Decormatt Yellow Green No.066
MARABU Acrylic Paint Decormatt Yellow No.019

As base for design apply two coats of gel polish. Cure each 2 minutes in UV lamp or 30 seconds in LED lamp. Remove the sticky layer.
Take black color, wipe off the excess gel polish and with almost dry brush stroke in all directions to cover the all nail surface. Cure for 2 minutes in UV lamp.
I am not satisfied with intensity of this black color for the dry brush technique, so it looks more like gray instead of black.
Wipe of the sticky layer (I usually use alcohol) and draw poppy flower petals with red nail polish and outline it with black acrylic paint.In the middle of the flower add some yellow paint and outline it performing short, fast strokes with thin brush.
Add a green stems and finish with NSP Super gloss Top Coat - with no sticky layer after curing in UV lamp.

I use MARABU acrylic paints, which are the best acrylic paints that I could find here in Belgrade. I tried many acrylic paints, but these seems to be the best click
When I attended nail art course with Jana Duzanec for "Zhostovo" nail art technique, I had the chance to try the RA acrylic paints, which are the best acrylic paints I ever tried click. She is distributor for RA paints and you could also buy RA paints from her click .It costs 35 kn for 20 ml, which is about 4,65 eur which is more expensive than on the original RA website.

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