18. 3. 2016.

St. Patrick's day nail art - handpainted / Nail art za dan Sv. Patrika

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St. Patrick's day nail art 


Ok, malo sam u kašnjenju, ali za ovako simpatičan nail art nikad nije kasno...ako ništa drugo ostaće kao ideja za sledeću godinu.

Uradila sam dizajn posvećen Sv. Patriku na svojim prirodnim noktima i koristila sam brdo lakova i boja.


Golden Rose Rich Color No.74 - tirkizni
Golden Rose Rich Color No.24 - crveni
Golden Rose Color Expert No.49 - narandžast
Golden Rose Color Expert No.44 - žuti
Golden Rose Rich Color No.107 - ljubičast
Golden Rose Rich Color No.114 - braon
NSP ciklama
China Glaze Boho Blues 1379 - pastelno plavi
Golden Rose Express Dry No.75 crni
Golden Rose Color Rich No.132 krem
Golden Rose Gel Look Top Coat
Golden Rose Matte Top Coat

Decormatt Yellow Green No.066
Decormatt Yellow No. 019
Decormatt Black No. 073
Basic Acryl White

Mali i domali sam obojila tirkiznom bojom.
Na malom sam nacrtala 3 oblaka belom akrilnom bojom.
Na domalom sam uradila dugu koristeći crvenu, narandžastu, žutu. zelenu, tirkiznu,pastelno plavu, tamno ljubičastu i ciklama boju.
Kažiprst sam obojila braon lakom za nokte jer sam želela da predstavim vrata u stablu drveta (kuda ulaze u svoje podzemno skrovište u kome duboko pod zemljom čuvaju ćup sa blagom)
Krem bojom sam dodala teksturu drveta i žutom akrilnom bojom sam uradila kvaku. Kako bi se žuta boja na braon podlozi dobro videla prvo sam nanela belu akrilnu boju.

Da bih dobila što verniji izgled drveta upotrebila sam mat lak koji mi je pokvario bar desetak završnica sjajnih radova.
Ovaj lak ne samo da matira već i zgužva i ispuca i ostavlja linije po laku, tako da je za ovu namenu savršen i drago mi je što ga nisam bacila.
Na palac sam nanela crni lak za nokte i matirala ga.Nacrtala sam deteline zelenom akrilnom bojom u donjem i gornjem uglu. Deteline sam završila sjajem. Između detelina sam stavila nekoliko zlatnih nitni različite veličine koje treba da simbolizuju novčiće, a ova crna boja lonac u kome leprikoni čuvaju blago.

Na srednjem prstu sam pokušala da predstavim samog leprikona.
Iskoristila sam narandžasati lak za nokte da uradim bradu. Crnom akrilnom bojom i tankom četkicom sam dodala 5-6 polukružnih poteza da prikažem kovrdže na bradi. Krem lakom sam uradila vveliki nos u obliku krompira i oivičila sam ga crnom akrilnom bojom. Zelenom bojom sam uradila u drugoj polovini nokta šešir,a žutom akrilnom bojom sam dodala traku na šeširu (pre toga sam izvukla belom liniju kako bi se žuta bolje videla na zelenoj osnovi). Oivičila sam je crnom akrilnom bojom.

Iznad nosa sam dodala malo bele boje (za deo lica koje viri ispod šešira).
Na kraju sam sve prešla zaršnim mat lakom. Jedino sam deteline prešla regularnim sjajem.

Uradila sam dizajn posvećen Sv. Patriku na svojim prirodnim noktima.
Sv. Patrik je bio misionar i biskup u Irskoj u V veku.
Sa 16 godina bio je otet, zarobljen i odveden iz Britanije u Irsku gde je bio 6 godina pastir. Uz božiju pomoć uspeo je da pobegne i vrati se u domovinu.Bog mu se obratio i  savetovao ga da beži ka obali gde ga čeka brod. Po povratku u domovinu odlučio je da se školuje za sveštenika. U Irsku se vratio kada je postao sveštenik.
Dan Sv. Patrika proslavlja se 17.marta  i to je dan njegove smrti.

Simboli koji se vezuju za ovaj nacionalni praznik Irske su:
TROLISNA DETELINA i simbolizuje trojstvo Boga
LEPRIKON je u stvari vrsta vilenjaka.Prikazuje se kao čovečuljak visok oko 60cm, riđe brade.Veruje se da leprikoni žive sami, da nisu društveni i da vreme provode popravljajući cipele. Takođe poseduju skriveni ćup zlata :0)
ZELENA BOJA: izvorno boja Sv. Patrika je bila plava, a zelena boja je postala simbo Irske u 19.veku, jer je Irska zaista zelena zemlja zahvaljujući obilju kiše.Smatra se da zelena boja donosi sreću, a posebno kada se nosi na dan Sv. Patrika.
HARFA je takođe jedan od simbola ali je manje poznata od deteline.Svirači harfe su zauzimali važno mesto u društvu i bili su cenjeni. Harfa se kao simbol nalazi na uniformama i novcu
KELTSKI KRST svedoči kako je u nameri da uvede hrišćanstvo u Irsku Sv. Patrik pokušao da pomiri hrišćanske simbole sa paganskim: na klasičan hrišćanski krst Sv. Patrik je dodao krug odnosno simbol sunca veoma važan i moćan simblo za irce, tako im je novu religiju približio i učinio je manje stranom.


St. Patrick's day was yesterday, but I want to post this cute design.
I used many nail polishes and acrylic colors to create it.
I've done it on my natural nails.

For this nail art design I used the most nail polishes and colors ever.

Golden Rose Rich Color No.74 - cyan
Golden Rose Rich Color No.24 - red
Golden Rose Color Expert No.49 - orange
Golden Rose Color Expert No.44 - yellow
Golden Rose Rich Color No.107 - violet
Golden Rose Rich Color No.114 - brown
NSP magenta
China Glaze Boho Blues 1379 - pastel blue
Golden Rose Express Dry No.75 black
Golden Rose Color Rich No.132 beige
Golden Rose Gel Look Top Coat
Golden Rose Matte Top Coat

Decormatt Yellow Green No.066
Decormatt Yellow No. 019
Decormatt Black No. 073
Basic Acryl White

Polish pinkie and ring finger  with cyan color. On pinkie add some clouds with white acrylic paint.On the ring finger draw a rainbow with red, orange, yellow, green, cyan,pastel blue, violet and magenta.

Polish index finger with brown. Add some stripes with thin brush to recreate wood texture.Add some yellow for the door handle (before applying a yellow add some white acrylic color, because of the brown base). 
Polish thumb with black.When dries, apply matte top coat.Add some gold metal studs, which represent leprechauns gold coins. Draw a clover and topped it with shiny top coat.

On the middle finger draw a leprechaun. Divide the nail in the three parts. First part around the cuticles color with orange, that is a beard, add some thiny black stripes to represent a curls,second part is a nose - use a beige to draw it and outline it with black.Third part of the nail is the hat -  it should be green. Draw a yellow line over the middle of the hat.

Finish with Matte Top Coat all except the clovers on thumb (they should be shiny).
Hope you like it.

And now for those who like to learn something, here is the text about the St. Patrick and the meaning of the symbols related with St. Patricks day :0) 

St. Patrick's day is a cultural and religious celebration held on 17 March, the traditional death date of Saint Patrick.Patrick was a 5th century Romano-British Christian missionary and bishop in Ireland.At the age of 16 he was kidnapped by Irish raiders and taken as a slave to Gaelic Ireland.It says that he spent 6 years there working as a shepherd and that during this time he "found the God". God told him to flee to the coast where would be a ship be waiting to take him home.after making his way home Patrick went on to become a priest.according to tradition, Patrick returned to Ireland to convert Irish to Christianity.

Symbols of St. Patrick's day:

SHAMROCK is three-leafed clovers native to Ireland.The Shamrock was chosen Ireland's national emblem because of the legend that St. Patrick's had used it to illustrate the doctrine of Trinity. The Trinity is the idea that God is really three in one: The Father, The Son and The holy Spirit.
A LEPRECHAUN is an Irish fairy who looks like a small, old man about 2 feet tall. According to legend leprechauns are unfriendly. They live alone and pass the time making shoes. They also have a hidden pot of gold.

GREEN COLOR: Th color of St. Patrick was not actually green, but blue. In the 19th century green beame used as a symbol of Ireland. The beautiful green landsape was probably the inspiration for the national color. Wearing the color green is considered an act of paying tribute to Ireland.It is said that it also brings good luck, espcially when worn on St. Patricks day. 
THE HARP  is an ancient musical instrument used in Ireland for centuries. It is alos a symbol of Ireland. Harpists and bards who were often blind, occupied an honored place in Irish society, they played an important role in the social structure of Ireland.they were supported by chieftans and kings. The harp is widely used symbol.it appears on irish coins,the presidental flag,state seals, uniforms and official documents.
CELTIC CROSS: St. Patrick was familiar with the Irish language and culture because of his time as a slave there. When Patrick went back to Ireland to convert the Irish to Christianity, he was successful because he didn't try to make the Irish forget their old beliefs. He combined their old beliefs with the new beliefs.One example of this is the Celtic cross. St. Patrick added the sun, a powerful Irish symbol onto the Christian cross to create what is now called a Celtic cross, so that the new symbol of Christianity would be more natural to the Irish.


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